Sunday, January 1, 2023

2023 Starting off with a Profit! Positive Life


I am the type of individual that looks at everything as a sign of what is to come. I am also someone that enjoys the small achievements. So when I made a sale on my Etsy shop, WeeksFinds, today. I was excited. It is the small things in life that push me forward.

 OK, I am excited about making a sale on the first day of 2023 The sale was only $9 for a couple of V nickels that I listed a few months ago. It is a small sale for the shop, but for me it is the meaning. I believe that how you start the year continues, or even grows, through the year.

2023 is going to be a positive year for my home business, Weeks Finds and Makes. I am taking this day, and this sale as a positive step. I have a rejuvenation about growing this business. It has been something I have worked on for a while and it is finally coming together. I have a trip to New Orleans coming up this weekend, so Monday is going to be a new life for the business. I mean there will be a schedule put in place that I can adjust if needed. I am also going to put together a business plan fort myself. I am a goal oriented person, and I need a visual of what I am working for. 

I hope and pray that everyone that reads this posts finds peace and happiness in 2023. I do not mean that we will get everything that we need, I mean that we can find the positive in everything that we do. Staying positive will help us all succeed in our home businesses and our lives.