Thursday, August 2, 2012

Big Increase in Pageviews

In the last week I have been having a large increase in page views on Yahoo, Squidoo, and Firehow. These are my top earning sites and they are my favorite sites to write on, so they get most of my attention.In the last couple of weeks I have committed more time to each site, and the page views are consistently increasing. Compared to a month ago all three sites have almost doubled in average views.  I am very happy with my accomplishments this month. Now I have to continually increase my page views, which will take more motivation. I feel like I can reach my goals of being a work at home single mom, I just have to continue with my hard work.

I am off of work for the next couple of days, so I have to put in as much effort during these days as I can without sacrificing time with my son. I have been reading single mom success stories about working from home, and I know that I can make it happen.

My Top Earning Article From Each Site:

Yahoo-50 Direct Sales Companies

Firehow-How to be a Successful Single Mom

Squidoo-Your AVON Business

Yahoo is definitely my top earner at the moment because of up front payments, but Squidoo is becoming a great earning site. I have found that even if I do not make much on the site I can still promote my other articles. I think that it has been the biggest influence on my page views for other sites. I read one motivation lens that shared a moms Squidoo earnings. It stated that she is making more than $200 a month. This was a big influence for me, so we will see where all of my earnings go, hopefully they continue to grow.

Thank you for reading!

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